Alistair Rye Chiropractor Asquith Hornsby

Chiropractor in Asquith and Hornsby

Alistair Rye

Alistair is a chiropractor who consults at Asquith Health, and graduated from Macquarie University with a Masters degree in Chiropractic. He also consults at our Mt Kuring-Gai clinic.

Alistair has a special interest in helping people with neck, back, and hip problems. Whether that's a nasty whiplash from a recent car accident, a stiff back from sitting all day, or shocking sciatica down the legs from a pinched nerve, Alistair can help.

He stays up to date with the latest research to ensure his patients receive the most effective and advanced care available. After some gentle and effective hand-on treatment, he can designs a tailor-made exercise program to help people prevent issues from coming back.

With a history of playing semi-professional ice hockey and having suffered many injuries himself, Alistair understands the physical strain on the body in competitive sports and how important it is to get back to playing.  He helps people feel confident in their bodies again so they can perform at their best physically and mentally.

Get to know the other sides of Alistair

Outside of work Alistair is not just a Chiro...

Beach lover

Beach Lover

Alistair loves to hang out at some of the local beaches on the central coast. Whether it's surfing or fishing, he just loves the water!

Chiro Ice Hockey

Ice Hockey Star

On his weekends, Alistair jumps on the ice and travels around Australia playing different ice hockey teams from other states.

Cactus lover Alistair Rye

Cactus Collector

You can often see Alistair lurking around local plant nurseries, trying to find the next plant to add to his cactus collection.

Alistair's recent blog posts

Ready to book a session with Alistair?
Call us on 02 8428 0555 today!
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